20 years of experience. 28,000 head capacity. Over 200 pens.
Schramm Feedlot is your premier feeder.
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Quotes are delayed, as of December 04, 2024, 09:15:43 PM CST or prior.
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Soybeans Fall into the Close -
Soybeans rounded out the midweek session with contracts closing 7 to 8 cents in the red. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price is back Wheat Rounds Out Wednesday on a Mixed Note -The wheat complex closed out the Wednesday session mixed across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures were fractionally to 1 ¼ cents higher in Cotton Fails to Hold Gains on Wednesday -Cotton futures ended the Wednesday session with contracts down 2 to 5 points across the nearbys at the close. The outside markets ended as pressure Corn Weakness Extends into the Close as Ethanol Production Backs Off -Corn slid lower on Wednesday, as contracts closed with losses of 1 to 2 ½ cents in the nearby contracts on the day. The national average Cash Corn Cattle Revert to Lower Trade on Wednesday -Live cattle futures ended the midweek session with contracts down 10 to 75 cents. This morning’s Fed Cattle Exchange online auction from Central Hogs Fall Back on Wednesday -Lean hog futures settled the Wednesday trade with 75 cent to $1.50 losses. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $87.62 on Full commentary... |